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Giving Life... Naturally
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Instructions For Use
Below is a guide of the recommended usage of our Atlantic-Gro® products for your animals and crops.

Animal Products

Dairy Cattle
Calves to 227 kg (500lb) 14g (1/2oz) head/day
Heifers 227-681 kg (500-1500lb) 28-56g (1-2oz) head/day
Dry Cows 56g (2oz) head/day
Transition or Close-up Cows 112-168g (4-6oz) head/day
Lactating Cows 84-112g (3-4oz) head/day during early lactation
168g (6oz) head/day during peak production
168-224g (6-8oz) head/day during periods of high stress

Beef Cattle
Brood Cows
       Peak milk production
       High stress conditions

56g (2 oz) head/day
84-112g (3-4oz) head/day
84-112g (3-4oz) head/day
Range Cattle 56-84g (2-3oz) head/day
Feed Lots 56-84g (2-3oz) head/day

Foals 14g (1/2oz) horse/day
Light Horses

14g (1/2oz) horse/day
14g (1/2oz) horse/day
Heavy Horses

28-56g (1-2oz) horse/day
56-84g (2-3oz) horse/day

1-2% of complete diet
Weiner-finisher 2-3% of complete diet
Sows 2-3% of complete diet

Ewes 28-42g (1-1/5oz) head/day
Feedlot Lambs 14g (0.5oz) head/day

Plant Products

Atlantic-Gro® Garden Mix
For garden use, till seaweed meal into soil at the rate of 450 grams (2 cups) per 9.3 square meters (100 square feet) and re-apply once per month for best results. For plants and ornamentals, use 30 grams (one tablespoon) per 15 cm (6 inch) pot. For larger field crop or nursery application, the user should conduct a soil/tissue analysis and seek the advice of an agronomist or a professional agricultural consultant prior to use.

Atlantic-Gro® Fertilizer
Atlantic-Gro® Fertilizer is recommended as part of a complete fertilizer program. This product is for the correction of a nutrient deficiency that relates to the fertility level of the soil. The user should conduct a soil/tissue analysis and seek the advice of an agronomist or a professional agricultural consultant prior to use.

North Atlantic Organics  PO Box

North Atlantic Organics
20983 Route 12
Seacow Pond, Tignish, PE
Canada C0B 2B0
